Macarons & Mimosas



Create a Logo for Your Brand in 5 Steps

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

Are you looking for a logo, but just don’t have the time to wait for a designer? Are you creative or already have an idea of what you want custom a custom logo just isn’t in your budget. This little tutorial will give you some insight into how you can create your own logo.

Always remember, that your logo will appear on everything that relates to your business. It will become your calling card, your identity, the visual representation of who you are. This is a crucial part of branding your business that should not be overlooked or rushed.

Here at Macarons and Mimosas, we love creating unique logos for clients that make a strong first impression. We understand budgets, and while we do offer both premade and custom logo designs to fit each and every budget, we also understand that sometimes a designer is just not feasible for a new small business. No fear we are here to help!

Today, I will share a few simple tips on how you can create a text-based logo that will make you look like a pro. A text-based logo design showcases your brand’s name with a mix of unique and complementary font pairings that align with your brand and the overall style you want to convey. Always remember, that no matter the design good or bad, it really can make or break how people see your business. With that being said make sure to remember these few simple rules of WHAT NOT to do with a logo design.

What not to do:

• Never mix more than 3 fonts
• Always choose a font that is readable
• Never steal someone else’s design idea, the goal is to stand out – not blend in.
• Don’t stretch your fonts
• Don’t use crazy patterns or backgrounds behind your text
• Always use readable colors, don’t go too light – you don’t want anyone straining their eyes to read
• Never mix more than one script font with another in the same design.

Now that we have the things not to do out of the way… the fun begins!

1. Choose your Primary Font

Choose a font that has character, something that relates to your brand, and the overall feel/vibe you want for your business. Feel free to go a bit wild and crazy with this font style, you can choose something like a script font or something decorative. Just remember, it should always be readable!

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

2. Choose your Secondary font

Next, choose a font that will complement the primary font you choose. This font should be simple, clean, and not compete – in size or style. Choose a font like Sans Pro, Montserrat, Muli, Raleway, Baskerville or even Playfair Display.

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

3. Align the Elements

Now that you have your fonts, it’s time to align them, and shrink them, while adding contrast and interest! This is where some fun comes into play… take your secondary font and shrink that baby down, to a third or even a fourth of the size of your primary font. You want the primary font to pop and your brand name to stand out! Play with the letterforms – all caps, small caps, all lowercase… see what you like best. I like all caps, or a unique spin on things is an all-lowercase italic!

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

4. Add Color

Next is the time to add in your brand colors! Choose colors that represent how you want your clients and customers to feel. Choose colors that represent your brand and industry. Rule of thumb, just like fonts, I like to stick with less than 3 colors. Honestly, for most designs I create, I try and only stick with two this way the design is not overwhelming! Sometimes, using color shades works well if you want to add in that third color. For instance, using a Navy Blue, Charcoal Grey, and a lighter sky-blue shade can work well and still make the design look professional!

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

5. Save and Implement

Once your design is created, save and use that puppy everywhere! Add your logo to your website, to your social media, your business cards, stationery, and more. Also, remember your logo should stand out from all other elements of your brand so most designers recommend only using your primary logo font for your logo only, this way it pops.

How to create your own professional logo design without a graphic designer, logo design, DIY logo, branding

Fonts used in the sample logo are Sontiro Script and Montserrat

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